Mission Trips

Spread God's Word Around The World

Boots On The Ground Discipleship

We believe, as Christians, each of us is called to be a missionary. It is not a specialization in Christianity. It is who we are called to be as Christ calls us to "go into the world and make disciples of all nations." We are excited that you have taken an interest in this calling and want to learn more. But we also want to be sure we are doing our trips mindfully.

Happy children
Happy group of Indian boys

Our Core Values

Empowering People

One of our core values is to empower our indigenous partners. This means that we don't want to do for others what they have the capabilities to do for themselves. We don't do well-drilling mission trips. Our drill crews are masters at their jobs, and honestly - we would just slow down their work. We also don't do medical mission trips to India. They are well-staffed with talented doctors and nurses who are ready and able to meet their needs. Your mission dollars will go significantly further by empowering these locals to do humanitarian work and opening the doors for our pastor partners to share the gospel.

Providing Aid Through
Medical Trips

According to the World Health Organization, nearly half of the world’s population lacks access to medical services, and one of the biggest gaps in availability we see is throughout Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia — the two areas of the world where we focus our efforts. To address this challenge in the villages we serve in Liberia, we routinely take medical teams to host health clinics in these villages. Through these medical trips, we’re able to treat preventable illnesses and diseases while opening the door for us to tell people about the love of Christ. When you go on a medical trip with Set Free, you’re not just helping save lives through medical aid — you’re sharing the gift of eternal life.

Seeing Is Believing With
Vision Trips

We also believe in the value of vision trips. Sometimes you simply need to see the work for yourself, hold the hand of a child who was rescued, lay hands on a woman new to Christianity and pray for her, and walk the trail from a home to a riverbed where villagers collected water prior to receiving their new well. Sometimes seeing truly is believing. These experiences help you share the work of Set Free with others around you.

Join Us In Setting People Free
In the name of Christ

Contact Set Free if you are interested in learning more about our mission trip opportunities.

Group of African children
Child dancing in village church
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