We are 15% of the way to our May Fundraising Goal


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Spread the Word

Spread the Word

Sow the Seeds of Our Mission

As a faithful supporter of our mission, we want to make it as comfortable as possible to share our story with others. We’ve compiled some of our most helpful resources to share with your church, company, small group, friends, and anyone else who you think would be moved by the Set Free mission.

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We’d love to chat.

If you'd like a staff member to join you for a church visit, small group visit, coffee with a group of friends, etc. contact us below! We would love to join you in sharing our mission of providing freedom through Christ.

To request copies of our Annual Report, Child Sponsorship Packets, Rack Card, or Vision Packet to share with others, please specify which items you would like and the quantity of each when you contact a staff member below.


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There are many ways to partner with Set Free to provide freedom through Christ to the unreached nations around the globe. From monthly giving to championing a village fundraiser, we encourage you to join us as we impact villages across the world.

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